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Dream State

Is series of images expressing the dreams we have at night that are isolated deep within our minds. These images represent the dreams that we can no longer remember, that are trapped within our mind and cannot express when awake. The inner image is a blurred figment of the dream, while the outer barrier is our mind suppressing and hiding the dream from our active conscience. 



Exposed is a composited image that showcases the exposure of an individual’s inner turmoil, and coveys the message that the specific individual is exposing their evils. A private and intimate internal diary of feelings and thoughts that they never wanted to escape their own mind. The hue less structure emphases the idea that these feelings are hidden, and the zipper is unveiling the private thoughts. While the haunting words of the private thoughts are wrote on the individual’s back inducing that he or she will carry these feelings on their back, like a weight always holding them back. 

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